Sunday, April 24, 2005

Last night Jim & Susan got married! It was wonderful, one of the best weddings I've ever been to. It was very nice to hear only positive things said about the union, I don't think anyone could ever doubt that they are perfect for each other. The vows (and the ceremony itself) was short and sweet, very affecting. Afterwards there was an Indian buffet, the speeches, a bride & groom duet, and then tons of dancing.

I had to scold a woman who was being very very bossy with all of us. She even interrupted me during my speech because I didn't start by saying my name. And she called my outfit "unique". I knew that it wasn't a compliment. Grr. She frequently gets on the bad side of people, her personality clashes with nearly anyone else's. I've also learned that she just can't accept that people might have a world view that is different from hers. I just try to stay neutral, or not talk to her very much. I don't like to argue.

As part of the wedding committee, I blew up several hundred balloons, at one point the pile was up to my waist. I'm not sure about the diameter, but it took up the whole corner of a traditional sized gym. I should have learned the technique of tying them off using forceps (which the bride's father discovered) it would have saved me some skin.

Not many of my pictures turned out well. People moving, bad lighting, etc. Luckily there were several professionals, many amateurs, and lots of people with "prosumer" cameras who know how to use them. I'm sure some will be shared in the near future. I did get quite a few interesting ones during the set-up time, there is a great one of a bunch of people working, with just one blurred person racing through the middle. :)

I gave a small speech, I hope it was okay. Since I hardly write anything creatively (or to deal with emotions) anymore, I don't feel like I express myself very well. I should work on it.


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