Thursday, January 25, 2007


My medical team and I recently had to up the dosage of a medication I've been taking for a long time, and I'm now struggling with some of the side effects. I have to take these medications to help maintain healthy function of my kidneys, essential for good health, but it's a tough ride. Currently, besides terrible dryness (eyes & mouth), and massive headaches, I have no appetite. It's partially related to the above mentioned dryness. As I'm still attempting to get over The Sleeping Sickness (as I've nicknamed my other ailments) maintaining good nutrition and getting enough calories to produce energy for the activities of daily living is important.

Currently I am enjoying a variety of beverages, those high in citric acid being most enjoyable to my poor palate (suffering from that dryness). I haven't yet identified actual foods that are very pleasing to me in this state, though. Pizza is usually something I can eat even when completely full, but I barely managed to get down a serving. The limited exposure I've had to Thai food has met with good results, but I don't really have the energy to prepare it for myself at this time. Most of my simple stand-bys (peanut butter toast, super garlicky pasta, etc) are not appealing at all!

Dear readers, any ideas? I am really hoping that I don't have to resort to Ensure and bananas again.


At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about banana muffins made with yogurt or applesauce for extra moistness? I made really moist and yummy pumpkin cookies recently, too. I have recipes if you like. And that bag - I want the inferno version!

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Both of those sound really good. And I do have a mammoth container of of each currently in my fridge (the applesauce & yogurt, that is). Recipe please!

I'm all about the inferno as well.

At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

will do - send me your email again would you?

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should smoke pot. Then the cotton-mouth with soothe the dry-mouth and you'll get the munchies and you'll want to eat anything and everything. You'll blog about the great hot dog you just bought from Seven-11. What about party pizzas, top ramen, tater tots, and microwave corndogs dipped in a mixture of mayonnaise and catsup?

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Newman Os and organic milk from a glass bottle. There are also these great yogurt-based brownies that Emily makes that are really tangy and moist. You should hit her up for the recipe.

I'd also say ovaltine mix and vanilla ice cream. Ovaltine used to be sold as a breakfast food until the corn lobby put the hex on marketing breakfast drinks to kids. It has a ton of vitamins and minerals, but not all the protein that other breakfast drinks have.


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