Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tonight has been a culinary disaster. I decided I would make falafel for dinner. Usually I cook the falafel balls a little too long.... My friend had given me some "authentic" falafel mix, so I tried it. The mixes I've used have required you to add water and wait 10 minutes, this was 1 hr. Even though I was starting at 9pm, I waited. And at 10:20 it still hadn't really absorbed the water, but I thought I'd try anyway. Pretty soon I had crumbles, and I drained the oil off, but still no luck. So I threw that batch out, and started another w/a different brand of mix (still not the usual brand). This time, they just absorbed the OIL when I was trying fry them, and turned mushy medium brown, not crispy golden brown as I wished for. I threw out everything and warmed up some vegetarian buffalo wings (and made a huge salad). I'm sad. I think I may have to leave the falafel making to Alexander.

School is....a bit overwhelming. I'm feel a little discouraged, mostly because I am feeling the strain so physically, and other than in the computer class I feel like I'm making no progress. I know I am, but it's hard when you're tired, have no time to eat or sleep, behind about 650 pages in reading, and there's no break in sight. So many different assignments, each requiring a new and challening skill. But I realize I still really like the subjects, and once I can get my head back above water I'll be fine. Apparently this is the term of "general malaise" for most Option III architecture students. The funny thing is, when I came to Summer Academy & people warned me that arch. school was horrible, I thought they were exaggerating. People always complain about school, the workload, and being tired...and most of the time it really isn't that bad. This is. I worry about my health. We already have one student who just spent more than a week in the hospital, and I don't want to join her. I have been taking it a bit easier on myself lately, coming home when I still have work to do, because I know I need rest. I'll pull through, I promise!

I spent last weekend in Seattle. It was nice to be "home" again! I spent most of the weekend rushing around, late to everything. Getting to Daniel Smith before they closed, breakfast w/Jim @ Vera's (about 5 blocks from my apt), then almost late to Sonja's wedding! It was lovely, she had each detail down. It was an intimate ceremony, and I am very glad that I sacrificed homework time to be there. She was an amazing friend during the hardest time in my life, and I am grateful for her friendship.

We have final projects due right after Thanksgiving, so I may be spending that holiday here in Eugene (I think R will come down). I'm going to cook!! I'm actually pretty excited, although I was looking forward to seeing my family. If anyone else is going to be w/out family, please let me know, I'd love to share it with you.

Off to watch another episode of Wonderfalls, and pass out....Goodnight!


At 7:16 PM, Blogger Anthony Robinson said...

Hey Jules--

Let's make a falafel date.

It's really pretty easy to make from scratch and tastes SO much better than a mix. If you've got a free weekend afternoon, I'd be happy to hook you up with falafel bliss.


At 10:32 PM, Blogger Julie said...


that would be WONDERFUL! I think next weekend I'll have some free time....I will let you know for sure. I'm so excited!!

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding acoustic electric guitar and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Julie your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on acoustic electric guitar was way off when compared to this post and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for acoustic electric guitar for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really enjoyed it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later


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