Today I am listening to an unlikely mix of Skinny Puppy, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Romanian techno songs. It's quite pleasant, and is keeping me motivated (working on design projects). I just added Visqueen to the mix, good stuff. "Crush on the Radio" makes me sing really loud and out-of-tune in a completely endearing way...really.
My new apt. is almost set up. I have way too much cooking stuff & t-shirts, two things I dearly love. I think I'll be shuffling stuff around for another week or two, and someone with more hand strength than I have needs to help me build a cabinet I bought, but otherwise most everything is put away.
I love being in Eugene in the summer. I want to go rafting and throw big the type of party where people wake up the next morning with salt in their belly button and their neck reeking of saliva and tequila...we'll see if I can accomplish that goal before summer's end. I think I need to borrow a house to do it, my neighbor is not so into partying. Any offers?
Must get back to work. Party on.