Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Yesterday I had gum surgery, my gums are angrily recessing away, so we cut them and packed them full of happy flesh from the roof of my mouth. The happiness hasn't quite taken over yet, and I now understand why my peridontist said I'll loose 10 pounds, it's nearly impossible to avoid the incision in the top. I had a big bowl of mashed potatoes, 1 bottle of vanilla Ensure, and some pudding last night. I'm starving now, but I don't really want to eat because I am worried about the stitches...when I get done writing this I'll suck it up and go get something to eat.

My face is really swollen, it's kind of freakish. I swear it's worse than when I had my wisdom teeth out, but that might just be selective memory. Less painful, so far, but I've been keeping up with my dose of pain meds.



At 5:53 PM, Blogger emily said...

OW! owowowowow. ow.

i think someone mangling up parts of my mouth is something i've had nightmares about. i am sorry to hear you are living it.

At 11:58 PM, Blogger Julie said...

I used to have a reaccuring nightmare of my front teeth falling out, and inside of them were small, baby teeth growing...except the baby teeth were made of this weird soft material. Super gross.

My face is so swollen now, I look deformed. Ross won't even kiss me!


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