Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The lighting in one of my classrooms is giving me headaches. They start out mild, and I think that maybe if I drink enough water I'll make it through the day. But eventually they progress to the point where an evil little beast runs around in my brain, jabbing sharp pointy objects into tender spots behind my eyes, and at the base of my neck. After reaching this point in the pain, I have to go home and put an ice pack on, hoping to freeze my brainstem. Drinking coffee helps, but firing up the esspresso machine is not an option when I feel like this. I begin to lose motor function, smashing into walls on my way to the bed. I don't seem to get bounce-back headaches from the caffeine, which is usually a big risk, so I'm very fortunate in that matter. Only a few more weeks to go.

An incision made on my abdomen about 7.5 yrs ago has decided to adhere to my abdominal muscles. When I flex there is a distinct puckering, and if I flex and move to do something at the same time (about 200 times each day) it pulls really hard. Now that my physical therapist has gotten my pelvis to remain in the proper position (back, not forward) it's becoming more noticeable. This afternoon I spent about twenty minutes with my shirt pulled up, having the scar massaged, pulled, pinched, and kneaded.

I think my body hates me.


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should wear rose colored glasses in class.

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Julie said...

Would that really help?

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know but you would look cool. I'd try wearing sunglasses just to see what happens.


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