Monday, February 12, 2007

The Devil Went Down to Georgia

Thanks, Ross, for pointing this one out to me!

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Just as I begin to feel like a normal person again, as the Sleeping Sickness finally slips away, in waltzes pain pain pain. I am actually considering going to the doctor to ask for pain medication, something I've yet to do in over 9 years of having serious pain now and then. It's bilateral, almost my whole left side (all the joints, and there are a lot, let me tell you) as well as my right hand. The cause may be the weather, which gives me hope that it will quickly go away. I just want to go back to normal life, working hard at school and actually feeling *good* now and then.

In between feeling rather angry, I've finished a few more books.
  • Fables: Animal Farm (collection of comics)
  • Like the Red Panda, Andrea Seigel
  • How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life, Mameve Medwed
  • Lost and Found, Carolyn Parkhurst

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Barometric Pressure

I noticed it was cloudy and warmer today, but I didn't know what the weather was going to be like for the coming week. All day my bad elbow has been aching, but I didn't know why. It occurred to me that it might be the weather, and sure enough, when I checked out the weather, it's predicting rain. Damn that barometric pressure!

I feel like it might be ridiculous for someone who has chronic pain to live in an environment such as this. I've always lived in places with crazy weather, though, I'm not sure if I could get used to constant sun, or warmth. Do dry, yet cold, places have constantly shifting pressures?

Monday, February 05, 2007

More Books

Still reading up a storm! Here's the latest:

The Whole World Over, Julia Glass
The Stolen Child, Keith Donohue
Years Best Graphic Novels, Comics & Manga (2004)

I also attempted reading two non-fiction books, but quit because one was overwhelming (about the occupation of iraq) and the other was too pretentious (the naked tourist).

Edited to add: I forgot two!:
Demo (graphic novel)
Sabine, anonymous author