Monday, April 24, 2006

Push Your Limit

Free time is at a premium these days. I realized I've been reading the same book for almost a month, which is a first for me (not counting text books, of course). I did "take time for Julie" this weekend and participated in some fun activities, hopefully that will happen again this week!

Friday night some friends and I made an amazing paella. It started out with a specific vegetarian recipe, but we added sausage, and plenty of other tasty ingredients. The substitution of chipotle peppers for the recommended noras peppers was a good choice (esp. because I couldn't find noras peppers...I've never even heard of them). After stuffing ourselves, we played a few video games, which I haven't done in ages. I'm still as terrible as always, but it's fun to laugh at myself.

Saturday I attended a workshop on freehand perspective, which was a waste of my 3hrs. I thought the "freehand" technique would be about quick ways to eyeball something, but it was a much more measured and slooooow process. Afterwards I wasted 4 hours (which was awesome!) and then headed up to Portland with a friend for the Pinback show. Good times!

This weekend is the film festival I've been working's held by the Disability Studies Initiative at the UO. I think it will be enjoyable, but I'm a bit nervous, since I'll be introducing the films opening night. Ross said that if I wear a bikini no one will notice if I fumble the words. Heh. I also got to flex my newly developed graphic design skills by creating the program for the festival. 500 copies are being printed, which also scares me.

Back to work. Hope you're all having fun. Word.


At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next stop, hosting SIFF.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Julie said...

Hell yeah, just a small stop on my way to conquering the world.


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